Bulldogs Building Bright Futures with CCMR!

It is never too early to begin exploring your options for college or career opportunities. This page provides information and resources to make that search easier for you. Begin planning for your future today!

At Somerset High School, we are committed to helping all students as they prepare for their future. We work diligently with college advisors and additional college related programs to create and support a college and career ready environment. We encourage all students to begin planning early and visit the College and Career Center in A107 for help with all College, Career and Future planning.

tx reality check

khan academy


tx on course

alamo promise

college board


cafe college


What is CCMR?

CCMR is an initiative introduced by the state of Texas to ensure that students are well prepared for success after high school. This program emphasizes the development of essential skills and knowledge required for college education, career readiness and military service. CCMR is integrated into the Somerset ISD culture and is supported by state guidelines, partnerships with high education organizations and businesses.

Parents/guardians and students are encouraged to review the ways to demonstrate college and/or career readiness in Texas.

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